
Books series

Rosili Publishing House, realizing the readers need for specialization, has created four books series. Each of these series is devoted to a specific topic. The booksseries are: Business Series, Marketing Series, Life Success Series, How to think series.

Business series 

Business series consists of books about the creation, the development and the function of a modern business. It is divided into Business series and Business Startup series. 


Click here to learn more. 

Marketing series 

seira marketingMarketing series includes books about Marketing rules, strategies and special issues, e.g. Services Marketing, Business-to-Business Marketing, International Marketing. 


Click here to learn more. 

LifeSuccess series 

Life success series includes book-guides to the pursuit of personal and professional success in our ever changing modern times which are full of insecurity. 


Click here to learn more. 

How to think series 

Do you want to have a clear, sharp and productive mind?


The book series “How to think” includes 8 books. Each book has 50 riddles that develop and enforce a particular way of thinking: objective, numerical, creative, lateral, logical, quick, visual and tactical thinking. 



Click here to learn more. 

Rosili publications for the professor

Rosili publications for the professor

Rosili publications for students

Rosili publications for students

Rosili publications for the entrepreneur

Rosili publications for the entrepreneur
