
Rosili Bookstore

Rosili publications for the professor

Rosili publications for the professor

Rosili publications for students

Rosili publications for students

Rosili publications for the entrepreneur

Rosili publications for the entrepreneur

Rosili Publications Bookstore: 5, Mavromichali Street, Athens (5min from the metro station Panepistimio)

It was in October 2014 when Rosili Publications Bookstore opened its doors to the public for the first time. It is located in the centre of Athens, in a five-minute distance from the metro Station Panepistimio (that is the metro station in front of the University of Athens), at 5 Mavromichali Street.

At Rosili Publications Bookstore our clients will have the possibility:

- to find and buy every book published by Rosili Publications,
- to participate in monthly draws,
- to get informed about special offers and best-sellers,
- to receive university books edited by Rosili through the EUDOXUS system, in case one is a bachelor's student,
- to buy books in bulk in case one is a bookseller.

Rosili Publications Bookstore is placed inside Bussiness Books bookstore, where one may find a big variety of business books of various publishers in Greek and other languages. In particular, you may find:

- Administration books
- Marketing books
- Accounting and Finance books
- Economy books
- Law books
- Information Technology books
- Self-improvement books
- Tourism books

It is the only bookstore specialized in business books working with the biggest Greek and foreign publishers, offering thoroughly selected modern and quality books at competitive prices. Also, big offers, discounts and special prices for book packets as well as recommendations on book titles and best-sellers are available to all the customers.

Come and roam in a variety of scientific books in a warm, modern place where you will find the titles you are looking for. Our specialized and experienced staff is at your disposal for any consultation and high quality assistance. Last but not least, a reading space is available to all our visitors.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Address: 5, Mavromichali Street, Athens
Telephone: 210 3387288
Working hours: Monday, Wednesday 10:00-16:00 / Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00-18:00
