Rosili publications for the professor

Rosili publications for the professor

Rosili publications for students

Rosili publications for students

Rosili publications for the entrepreneur

Rosili publications for the entrepreneur

Van Hoek Remko

Remko is a Visiting Professor and is Global Procurement Director atPwC. He is a member of 4 editorial advisory boards of internationaljournals in the field of supply chain management and co-author of thebook Logistics Management and Strategy now in its fourth edition andtranslated into 5 languages. He is a frequent contributor toroundtables and trainings and has won 10 academic awards for hiswork. Remko also serves on the Board of Directors of the Council forSupply Chain Management Professionals in the US and the AdvisoryBoard of the Procurement Leaders Network.Prior to his current role at PWC, Remko was CPO at Cofely theNetherlands, part of GDF Suez (80+ bn Euro globally) withresponsibility for all external spend as well as logistics. He wasawarded one of the first GDF Suez purchasing trophies and an awardfor change management and innovation by Procurecon. He was also nominated for ProcurementLeader of the Year by Procurement Leaders two years in a row and was highly commended for this in2011. Prior to Cofely he was CPO at Nuon, where he helped move procurement from operational tograded world class in a McKinsey benchmark. He worked at Nike EMEA as Supply ChainImprovement Director and was Managing Director of two business units of the Corporate ExecutiveBoard in Washington DC, USA where he served over 500 CPO's and Heads of Global Supply Chainsand their teams.

Van Hoek Remko : string.authorbooks

Logistics Μάνατζμεντ και Στρατηγική Β Έκδοση

Μία συνοπτική, εφαρμοσμένη και σύγχρονη εισαγωγή στην έννοια των Logistics και στο μάνατζμεντ της αλυσίδας εφοδιασμού.
